Chronic Back Pain Limits Brain Power
28/08/2008 - Jesse Cannone CFT, SPN, CPRS
You don't need to be a scientist to know that chronic back pain can have
a negative impact on your life, often bringing with it anxiety and depression.
It can affect your ability to work, sleep, and perform other daily activities.
Until recently, it has been assumed that whatever changes occurred in the
brain as a result of chronic back pain were only temporary and that the
brain would revert to a normal state once the pain stopped.
Recent findings by researchers from Northwestern University have turned
this assumption on its head. What they found was that chronic back pain -
defined as pain lasting six months or longer - can cause significant and long-
lasting damage to the brain, aging it up to 20 times faster than normal.
Shades of gray
In fact, chronic back pain actually shrinks the gray matter of the brain -
the part responsible for memory and information processing - by as much
as 11 percent each year. In contrast, normal aging of the brain results in
just a 0.5 percent loss of gray matter a year.
Scientists compared 26 healthy volunteers with 26 patients who had been
suffering with chronic lower back pain (some with sciatica) for more than a
year. Those with chronic back pain with sciatica had the largest decrease in
gray matter. Another significant finding: The longer a subject had had
chronic back pain, the more brain loss he suffered.
One theory on why there is such a large decrease in gray matter is that
chronic pain forces nerve cells to work overtime. Even more troubling is
the possibility that if chronic back pain is allowed to continue, it may become
harder to reverse and less responsive to treatment due to these changes in
the brain. Experts say the findings should sound a warning to patients with
back pain to seek care as soon as possible.
Driven to distraction
The Northwestern study is consistent with other research on chronic pain
and cognitive ability. Scientists at the University of Alberta have confirmed
that chronic pain can impair your memory and concentration.
In testing done by Drs. Bruce D. Dick and Saifudin Rashiq at the university's
Multidisciplinary Pain Centre in Edmonton, Canada, two-thirds of participants
who suffered with chronic pain had a difficult time paying attention and
remembering simple facts.
Participants in the study - all of whom had pain lasting six months or longer -
were given computerized memory tests, along with a neuropsychological
test of attention on what were identified as "pain" and "less pain" days.
On a "less pain" day, participants were tested after they received a pain-
reducing procedure as part of their ongoing treatment at the Centre.
On a "pain" day, participants were tested without getting any pain-
reducing procedure. Sixteen of the 24 participants - 67 per cent - s
howed signs of cognitive impairment on their pain-testing day.
Although the sample of participants was small, the findings were
statistically significant, according to the lead researchers.
You must remember this
Further evidence of a link between chronic pain and brain function
comes from a study done at Keele University in the United Kingdom.
Scientists compared the "prospective" memory - such as remembering
to pick up groceries or keep a doctor's appointment - of 50 subjects with
chronic back pain to the memory of 50 subjects who were pain-free.
Investigators used something called the Prospective Memory
Questionnaire, a self-rating scale that requires users to record the
number of times their prospective memory fails in a given period
of time. The scale measures three types of prospective memory:
long-term habitual, short-term episodic, and internally cued.
Those with chronic pain had significantly impaired short-term memory
compared with subjects who were pain-free. No differences were observed
in the other types of prospective memory.
"One explanation for the observation of short-term prospective memory
deficits may be related to the link between pain and stress and the impact
of this relationship on cognitive function," Ling's team reported.
The ideas is that when pain kicks in, it triggers a region of the brain known
as the lateral occipital complex (LOC). When this happens, it overrides a
person's ability to concentrate and accurately recognize images.
Strategies to improve memory
The investigators said they hope that these findings will help guide the
care of patients with chronic pain and encourage the development of
skills to offset memory problems.
Here are a few quick tips to improve your memory:
Read out loudIf you want to remember something, saying the words out
loud will help burn the information into your brain. If you can turn it into
a rhyme, even better.
Write things downMental clutter makes it hard to recall data. Use address
books, datebooks, and calendars. Jot down notes on more complicated
material and reorganize your notes as soon as possible. The physical act of
rewriting can help imprint facts into your memory.
Rehearse and reviewGo over what you've learned the day you learn it,
and review it periodically. Researchers call this "spaced rehearsal,"
which has proven to be more effective than cramming.
Get your vitaminsNutrients such as vitamins B, C, and E can nurture
brain function. Dietary sources of B include spinach and other dark
leafy greens, strawberries, melons, and black beans. Vitamins C and
E improve the flow of oxygen through the brain. Good natural sources
are berries, sweet potatoes, red tomatoes, green tea, nuts, citrus fruits,
and liver. Omega-3 fatty acids - found in cold-water fish such as salmon
and tuna - are also associated with improved cognitive function.
Surprise your brainAnother way to help your brain perform better is to
stimulate it through novelty. For example, brushing your teeth with your
left hand (if you're right-handed) will fire up seldom-used connections on the
nondominant side of your brain. Or try "neurobic" exercise, which forces
you to use your faculties in unusual ways - say, getting dressed with your
eyes closed, taking a course in a subject you know nothing about, or
cooking a recipe in an unfamiliar cuisine.
The brain maybe affected by pain but you should never let pain control
how or what you think about. If pain relief is what you are after you must
hold a firm belief that you can achieve your goals and if believe heart and
soul and keep you're your thoughts concentrated and coordinated there is
no way that you can not achieve what you are after.
Comment by PeopleDoMatter
This is so true. So interesting we have seen this for ourselves.
Our loved ones with back injuries have definately got the signs mentioned above.
Memory loss... etc.
Who else has noticed this as a result of a back injury suffered by yourselves or a loved one?
Feel free to comment if you can also add to this post.
Thank you for your time to educate yourselves.
Thank you to W.C.V for bringing this to my attention.
Kind Regards,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
I wonder what I mean when I say stationary politics?
All of the positive looking speechy policies that are simply UNTRUE.
We are yet to experience ANY TRUTH in ANY of these policies?
Are you experiencing the same?
Well I am here to listen to what has been going on for you.
Not only listen...
Make it LOUD and CLEAR what the real TRUTH is in these matters.
I have had enough of being scammed, ignored, talked down to, frustrated.
I also have had enough of you .. yes YOU experiencing this!
Who has not been returned to work?
Who has not been retrained?
Who has had their complaints IGNORED?
Who has lost medical and like expenses?
Who has been fobbed off by their treating doctors?
Who has been lied about in IME reports?
Who has been suicidal since being on workcover?
Who has been suicidal since being cut off workcover?
Who has been denied work cover unfairly?
Who has been treated unfairly?
Who has been lied to by the Insurance agents?
Who is waiting for a payment from Centerlink after 130 weeks because they are too injured to work?
Who became depressed due to any of the above systems?
Who is struggling to make ends meet?
Who is sick and tired of being treated this way?
Who does not want to take it anymore?
Who has the guts to speak out and fight these issues?
If you are.. dont forget to write to us.. Make comments... Join up... join us here now in the FIGHT to stop this once and for all.
"If we continue to do nothing; We continue to get nothing."
All of the positive looking speechy policies that are simply UNTRUE.
We are yet to experience ANY TRUTH in ANY of these policies?
Are you experiencing the same?
Well I am here to listen to what has been going on for you.
Not only listen...
Make it LOUD and CLEAR what the real TRUTH is in these matters.
I have had enough of being scammed, ignored, talked down to, frustrated.
I also have had enough of you .. yes YOU experiencing this!
Who has not been returned to work?
Who has not been retrained?
Who has had their complaints IGNORED?
Who has lost medical and like expenses?
Who has been fobbed off by their treating doctors?
Who has been lied about in IME reports?
Who has been suicidal since being on workcover?
Who has been suicidal since being cut off workcover?
Who has been denied work cover unfairly?
Who has been treated unfairly?
Who has been lied to by the Insurance agents?
Who is waiting for a payment from Centerlink after 130 weeks because they are too injured to work?
Who became depressed due to any of the above systems?
Who is struggling to make ends meet?
Who is sick and tired of being treated this way?
Who does not want to take it anymore?
Who has the guts to speak out and fight these issues?
If you are.. dont forget to write to us.. Make comments... Join up... join us here now in the FIGHT to stop this once and for all.
"If we continue to do nothing; We continue to get nothing."
Saturday, October 11, 2008
If We Want To Make a Difference We Must Stand Together
Hi all,
“Of what use to make heroic vows of amendment
if the same old lawbreaker is to keep them?”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Firstly Thank you for searching the Internet for answers, and for stumbling upon this site.
If people are saying the Work cover System isn't working or fair... Chances are IT ISN'T.
I really would like to hear your stories and comments.
To get anything done we seriously need to get our issues together.
Times are tough and it seems our Public Servants are not Serving us as the sovereign people of Australia and are least inclined to do so when we speak alone.
Together we need to stand up, and a way we can help each other to do that, is to share our personal issues and how the System is not working for us in Truth.
I am using my time productively here, and I am feeling disappointed in my fellow injured workers & their affected adult partners, carers etc. not stepping up and helping actively in this situation.
It is great that you are researching, but we really need to stand together as a whole unit in order to be heard here.
If you are not happy then it is worth fighting for those rights. Chances are you are not the only one.
Some of these seriously injured workers are single and have no voice, so just consider the large scale of lives this system is in fact effecting every single day in many many negative ways.
It is a ripple effect. If you give all you have to help another, then chances are someone will do the same to you and there will be a change.
I know if every injured worker or his/her closest representative stood up and said this was not good enough then it would become so BIG that we could no longer be ignored and they would have to listen to us.
If we simply resign to the fact that things are bad but there is nothing we can do, then they get what they want.
That anger, that frustration we all are feeling can be turned around to the passion to strive for achievement.
To right the wrongs.
To make a difference in the world we live in.
Make the bureaucrat's listen and serve us as they should be doing.
It is our complacency and our giving in, that is allowing this kind of legislation in the first place.
So please do not just think you are only a number, do not believe you don't deserve better, do not sit idly by and watch yourself and your loved ones thrown at the mercy of this unmerciful system.
Give me something to take with me on this journey.
I for one am NOT going to resign to any of their "facts" any longer.
I have experienced this system and all its pitfalls for myself and I realise there are people out there forced into wrongful needless suffering.
I have the passion to fight for change.
Please stand up with me and together we will show the facts for what they really are.
You can make a difference! We can make a difference together!
Thank you
Now is the time to act. Why? Because it is too late to do it sooner!
- Steve Bhaerman (AKA Swami Beyondanonda)
“Of what use to make heroic vows of amendment
if the same old lawbreaker is to keep them?”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Firstly Thank you for searching the Internet for answers, and for stumbling upon this site.
If people are saying the Work cover System isn't working or fair... Chances are IT ISN'T.
I really would like to hear your stories and comments.
To get anything done we seriously need to get our issues together.
Times are tough and it seems our Public Servants are not Serving us as the sovereign people of Australia and are least inclined to do so when we speak alone.
Together we need to stand up, and a way we can help each other to do that, is to share our personal issues and how the System is not working for us in Truth.
I am using my time productively here, and I am feeling disappointed in my fellow injured workers & their affected adult partners, carers etc. not stepping up and helping actively in this situation.
It is great that you are researching, but we really need to stand together as a whole unit in order to be heard here.
If you are not happy then it is worth fighting for those rights. Chances are you are not the only one.
Some of these seriously injured workers are single and have no voice, so just consider the large scale of lives this system is in fact effecting every single day in many many negative ways.
It is a ripple effect. If you give all you have to help another, then chances are someone will do the same to you and there will be a change.
I know if every injured worker or his/her closest representative stood up and said this was not good enough then it would become so BIG that we could no longer be ignored and they would have to listen to us.
If we simply resign to the fact that things are bad but there is nothing we can do, then they get what they want.
That anger, that frustration we all are feeling can be turned around to the passion to strive for achievement.
To right the wrongs.
To make a difference in the world we live in.
Make the bureaucrat's listen and serve us as they should be doing.
It is our complacency and our giving in, that is allowing this kind of legislation in the first place.
So please do not just think you are only a number, do not believe you don't deserve better, do not sit idly by and watch yourself and your loved ones thrown at the mercy of this unmerciful system.
Give me something to take with me on this journey.
I for one am NOT going to resign to any of their "facts" any longer.
I have experienced this system and all its pitfalls for myself and I realise there are people out there forced into wrongful needless suffering.
I have the passion to fight for change.
Please stand up with me and together we will show the facts for what they really are.
You can make a difference! We can make a difference together!
Thank you
Now is the time to act. Why? Because it is too late to do it sooner!
- Steve Bhaerman (AKA Swami Beyondanonda)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
"If people are screaming out they are not happy; then why does it fall on deaf ears."
By PeopleDoMatter
The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903)
It is MY WILL, that I as an Australian more than peripherally relate to my concerns of anything raised to ANY public official!
It is MY WILL that I do matter and I do have a say!
It is MY WILL that I am more than a speck of dust tossed aside and sent mediocre replies from the parliamentarians that work for me, as a member of the Australian public!
It is MY WILL that we as Australians command respect, support, safety, the freedom of choice without beuracratic "blackmail", that we know what issues we are facing because of our OWN LIFE EXPERIENCES. That we command honesty, integrity and respect from all who Govern us.
It is MY WILL that these who Govern us do so in conjunction with our wishes, needs, financial issues, beurocratic flaws in mind and 100% integrity.
It is MY WILL that if there is "not enough money available" to establish those rights, that those who Govern us take a pay cut. Also.. reduce spending in elaborate ways, that are unecessary for the good of all Australians.
It is MY WILL that if any Governmental individual lies to the Australian public in order to obtain legislation that takes away our freedoms and rights as human beings, that they face charges and that legislation is deemed null and void.
It is MY WILL that injured workers are NOT treated in such an unethical way as they are in daily reality, and that the legislation be changed fairly with those injured workers input!
It is MY WILL that injured workers are treated with total RESPECT!
It is MY WILL that all documentation put to parliament is written for the layman so that it is represented transparently, and ANY persons that the recomendations effects, must be given the right to vote on the asaid legislation and its changes in all transparency, thus having the right to prevent that legislation from being accepted, above all others!
It is MY WILL that we are all made equal before the law, and injured workers are not put at a disadvantage via legislation taking away their right to a just fair result that would be reasonable for the public to expect, facing the same circumstances.
It is MY WILL that within those rights INCLUDE the RIGHT TO BELIEF OF INNOCENCE.
That the government is banned from expenditure on television advertising, queens council access and anything else putting an injured worker to an unfair disadvantage, or taking their rights to PRIVACY in ANY FORM.Or any other form of "blackmail" to complete tasks designed to further upset the individual by being forced to believe they are meaningless and worthless.
These are SOME of my WILL's... lets see yours!
Thank you,
Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. Trevelyan (1876 - 1962)
By PeopleDoMatter
The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903)
It is MY WILL, that I as an Australian more than peripherally relate to my concerns of anything raised to ANY public official!
It is MY WILL that I do matter and I do have a say!
It is MY WILL that I am more than a speck of dust tossed aside and sent mediocre replies from the parliamentarians that work for me, as a member of the Australian public!
It is MY WILL that we as Australians command respect, support, safety, the freedom of choice without beuracratic "blackmail", that we know what issues we are facing because of our OWN LIFE EXPERIENCES. That we command honesty, integrity and respect from all who Govern us.
It is MY WILL that these who Govern us do so in conjunction with our wishes, needs, financial issues, beurocratic flaws in mind and 100% integrity.
It is MY WILL that if there is "not enough money available" to establish those rights, that those who Govern us take a pay cut. Also.. reduce spending in elaborate ways, that are unecessary for the good of all Australians.
It is MY WILL that if any Governmental individual lies to the Australian public in order to obtain legislation that takes away our freedoms and rights as human beings, that they face charges and that legislation is deemed null and void.
It is MY WILL that injured workers are NOT treated in such an unethical way as they are in daily reality, and that the legislation be changed fairly with those injured workers input!
It is MY WILL that injured workers are treated with total RESPECT!
It is MY WILL that all documentation put to parliament is written for the layman so that it is represented transparently, and ANY persons that the recomendations effects, must be given the right to vote on the asaid legislation and its changes in all transparency, thus having the right to prevent that legislation from being accepted, above all others!
It is MY WILL that we are all made equal before the law, and injured workers are not put at a disadvantage via legislation taking away their right to a just fair result that would be reasonable for the public to expect, facing the same circumstances.
It is MY WILL that within those rights INCLUDE the RIGHT TO BELIEF OF INNOCENCE.
That the government is banned from expenditure on television advertising, queens council access and anything else putting an injured worker to an unfair disadvantage, or taking their rights to PRIVACY in ANY FORM.Or any other form of "blackmail" to complete tasks designed to further upset the individual by being forced to believe they are meaningless and worthless.
These are SOME of my WILL's... lets see yours!
Thank you,
Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. Trevelyan (1876 - 1962)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Save Aus Information
Injured Workers may have better sucess with this information in being heard.
Welcome to the Save Australia website (Source)
THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOWHow to Express Your Will
Know and understand what your true Constitutional powers are, and how you can lawfully use those powers to obtain the results you want your elected parliamentarians to produce.
This site is dedicated to those Australians who wish to conserve the freedoms provided to us by our founders and the authors of the Australian Constitution.
As individuals we are created by God and are under God, not under the government,which is the creation of people.
Government has limits on it, and those limits are placed on it by the people (who have the ultimate authority over government) and not the other way around.
In Australia, it is the Constitution that sets out the limits on government that the people consider appropriate.
(comment by Peopledomatter I have links to the consitution on the RHS of this site)
Australia to a large extent has lost the purity and clarity of the freedoms originally provided by the framers of our Constitution, and indeed our pond has become very muddy.
The site is maintained by a loose association of Sovereign men and women united in a common cause with the aid of the seven natural laws they were born with to live, uphold and protect the rights provided by this country's founders, to ensure that their fellow Sovereign men, women and children will retain those rights and to become educated themselves about those rights.
"Quote". A Sovereign man/woman asks questions and gives direction.A Slave answers questions and takes direction.
What you will find here:
There are many who perceive that something is not right, but are unable to source the correct information, or don't know how to initiate a response.
This site seeks to rectify that problem and to become a repository of information for the benefit of all Australians.
You will find here material to assist you to educate yourself on your responsibilities and equip yourself to uphold your rights and freedoms.
Please feel free to browse and use the material on this web site.
Finally, we thank you for your patience, parts of this site are still under construction.
Quote:"To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself,is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another".Benjamin Jowett
Retrieved from ""
Posted by Jo at 11:41 AM 0 comments Links to this post
I have found this site extremely helpful in educating myself.
I believe that every person in Australia deserves RIGHTS! Injured workers deserve a lot more rights than they are getting in an every day life.
I am committed to researching to find out as much as I can to uphold our rights. Are you?
Well hopefully you will now.
I think it is very important!
With the way things are going we all need to educate ourselves so that we are NOT at the mercy of a Government body that WE the people elect!
I am guessing many of you are thinking oh not politics and law! I must admit it is a very boring subject BUT....
It has come to my attention that it is necessary for self preservation.
I am providing links on this site so as to help you to educate yourselves as I discover them myself.
In the hope that together we can and will make a difference.
The Workcover Victims site is doing the same.
The more we learn, the more we understand how things are effecting us.
Unfortunately Injured Workers understand just how WRONG a system can be and how that in turn effects their whole lives and their families too.
Lets learn together! Injured Workers are just like you, they are real people with real lives and are severely hurt by the legislations passed by the governments in Australia.
It is a HUGE problem and they do need everyones support! Whatever their story, background, race or creed... most of all they are PEOPLE and people do matter!
Thank you for visiting this site and I wish you all the best in your new discoveries.
Kind Regards,
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Welcome to the Save Australia website (Source)
THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOWHow to Express Your Will
Know and understand what your true Constitutional powers are, and how you can lawfully use those powers to obtain the results you want your elected parliamentarians to produce.
This site is dedicated to those Australians who wish to conserve the freedoms provided to us by our founders and the authors of the Australian Constitution.
As individuals we are created by God and are under God, not under the government,which is the creation of people.
Government has limits on it, and those limits are placed on it by the people (who have the ultimate authority over government) and not the other way around.
In Australia, it is the Constitution that sets out the limits on government that the people consider appropriate.
(comment by Peopledomatter I have links to the consitution on the RHS of this site)
Australia to a large extent has lost the purity and clarity of the freedoms originally provided by the framers of our Constitution, and indeed our pond has become very muddy.
The site is maintained by a loose association of Sovereign men and women united in a common cause with the aid of the seven natural laws they were born with to live, uphold and protect the rights provided by this country's founders, to ensure that their fellow Sovereign men, women and children will retain those rights and to become educated themselves about those rights.
"Quote". A Sovereign man/woman asks questions and gives direction.A Slave answers questions and takes direction.
What you will find here:
There are many who perceive that something is not right, but are unable to source the correct information, or don't know how to initiate a response.
This site seeks to rectify that problem and to become a repository of information for the benefit of all Australians.
You will find here material to assist you to educate yourself on your responsibilities and equip yourself to uphold your rights and freedoms.
Please feel free to browse and use the material on this web site.
Finally, we thank you for your patience, parts of this site are still under construction.
Quote:"To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself,is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another".Benjamin Jowett
Retrieved from ""
Posted by Jo at 11:41 AM 0 comments Links to this post
I have found this site extremely helpful in educating myself.
I believe that every person in Australia deserves RIGHTS! Injured workers deserve a lot more rights than they are getting in an every day life.
I am committed to researching to find out as much as I can to uphold our rights. Are you?
Well hopefully you will now.
I think it is very important!
With the way things are going we all need to educate ourselves so that we are NOT at the mercy of a Government body that WE the people elect!
I am guessing many of you are thinking oh not politics and law! I must admit it is a very boring subject BUT....
It has come to my attention that it is necessary for self preservation.
I am providing links on this site so as to help you to educate yourselves as I discover them myself.
In the hope that together we can and will make a difference.
The Workcover Victims site is doing the same.
The more we learn, the more we understand how things are effecting us.
Unfortunately Injured Workers understand just how WRONG a system can be and how that in turn effects their whole lives and their families too.
Lets learn together! Injured Workers are just like you, they are real people with real lives and are severely hurt by the legislations passed by the governments in Australia.
It is a HUGE problem and they do need everyones support! Whatever their story, background, race or creed... most of all they are PEOPLE and people do matter!
Thank you for visiting this site and I wish you all the best in your new discoveries.
Kind Regards,
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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