Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
WCB A Secret meeting with Lorne Audio Video Staff's names kept secret
The man in this Audio is a seriously Injured worker in BC Canada. His disgraceful treatment includes, hungry children, losing everything, house, car, forced to go shopping for himself as WCB refused to have his Wife or Children go with him in 2 full casts and in incredible pain.
(When WCB finally agreed to transport for essentials.)
When he stopped in at a legal firm in the same block as the supermarket he was called and harassed about fraud even though he did not make the WCB car drive out of its way. No nursing provided, his wife had to give up her job to care for him. Dress him, bathe him,toilet him. They have been forced to utelise a food bank to survive.
First payments were wrong and so little that the first time he was injured he had no choice but to go back to work in drywalling due to WCB's negligence to provide a duty of care or enough money for his family to survive. He then fell off scaffolding and injured himself shattering his arms, and now his whole family is forced into poverty. His wife has put their story on youtube backed up with paperwork to educate the world about how wrong this system is.. amoungst her families living chaos at the hands of this system. WCB forced him into their requirement systems which are incredibly lacking in support. Having been forced to partake in training that is unsuitable more than once, enduring it in extreme pain, including other attrocities.
This audio is a secret meeting.. after having seen all the video's over a period of time WCB contacted this family and asked them to attend this meeting with them.
When they arrived they found out that the staff inside wish to remain anonymous.
They are making Lorne re-live and rehash the unthinkable devastating treatment he and his family have been through at the hands of their failing system.
While WCB profits and everyone outsourced by them profit. While they pay for surveillance, and write their rights away, with crazy words like the very exceptional tests. Families are forced into a living hell of extreme duress, poverty, inhumaine treatment to say the least.
So I suggest that everyone who cares to learn what is real in Canada Australia America all over the world for Injured workers go and watch the increasing amounts of video's posted on youtube in desperation to show the public exactly what is really going on at the hands of these so called worksafe systems.
Injured workers need all the help they can get. Not close to what they are getting in reality.
Here are these families video's in excess of 80 of them.
Copy and paste it in your browser. They are usually shown as most recent so if you would like to track back to the first click on the pages down the bottom right of the page.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Australian Bushfires Trauma EFT #3 Lost Loved ones
EFT for Australian Bushfires - Lost Loved Ones (#3)
2 days ago 96 views EFTjourney
This video is offered to possibly help those who are dealing with the emotional distress of losing loved ones in the Australian (Victorian) bushfires that are still burning.
Bushfires have claimed at least 108 lives and destroyed at least 750 homes in Victoria, Australia in recent days. There are apparently still 30 fires burning which may take three weeks to contain.
This is the third of a series of videos offered to possibly help those watching from afar and those dirtectly involved. It uses EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) which is a gentle finger tapping technique to balance the body's energy system with regards to traumatising events.
You don't need to know anything about EFT to make use of this video, just follow along with Grant, tapping the points shown, listening to the words, & maybe speak them too. You can re-use it too.
This clip specifically address the loss of of loved ones. It is focused more on those directly impacted, but may also be useful for anyone else who is following the events & feels connected in some way.
I hope that we can come together accross cyberspace & tap to help release some of the trauma of these last few days. When we tap for someone else's concerns we often help clear something of our own as well.
Grant Horsfall
Tags: "Australian bushfires" Victoria bushfire australia EFT "emotional freedom" "Victorian bushfires" "loss of lives" "loss of loved ones" bushfires wildfire
Australian Bushfires EFT #2 Lost Homes
EFT for Australian Bushfires - Lost Homes (#2)
2 days ago 135 views EFTjourney
This video is offered to possibly help those who are dealing with the emotional distress of losing their home in the Australian (Victorian) bushfires that are still burning.
Bushfires have claimed at least 108 lives and destroyed at least 750 homes in Victoria, Australia in recent days. There are apparently still 30 fires burning which may take three weeks to contain.
This is the second of a series of videos offered to possibly help those watching from afar and those dirtectly involved. It uses EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) which is a gentle finger tapping technique to balance the body's energy system with regards to traumatising events.
You don't need to know anything about EFT to make use of this video, just follow along with Grant, tapping the points shown, listening to the words, & maybe speak them too. You can re-use it too.
This clip specifically address the loss of homes. It is focused more on those directly impacted, but may also be useful for anyone else who is following the events & feels connected in some way.
I hope that we can come together accross cyberspace & tap to help release some of the trauma of these last few days. When we tap for someone else's concerns we often help clear something of our own as well.
Grant Horsfall
Tags: bushfires wildfire "Australian bushfires" Victoria bushfire australia EFT "emotional freedom" "Victorian bushfires" "loss of home" "lost homes"
Australian Bushfires Victoria Trauma Help Video #1
EFT for Australian Bushfires (#1)
2 days ago 200 views EFTjourney
*** Please tap along to #2 & #3 also! ***
This video is offered to possibly help those who are dealing with emotional distress from the Australian (Victorian) bushfires, and those who feel connected to the story.
Bushfires have claimed at least 108 lives and destroyed at least 750 homes in Victoria, Australia in recent days. There are apparently still 30 fires burning which may take three weeks to contain.
This is the first of a series of videos offered to possibly help those watching from afar and those dirtectly involved. It uses EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) which is a gentle finger tapping technique to balance the body's energy system with regards to traumatising events.
You don't need to know anything about EFT to make use of this video, just follow along with Grant, tapping the points shown, listening to the words, & maybe speak them too. You can re-use it too.
This clip is more general & possibly useful for anyone who is aware of the fires & is having some response to them.
The two clips to follow, specifically address the loss of homes & then the loss of lives. These are focused more on those directly impacted, but can may also be useful for anyone else who is following the events & feels connected in some way.
I hope that we can come together accross cyberspace & tap to help release some of the trauma of these last few days. When we tap for someone else's concerns we often help clear something of our own as well.
Please also tap along to Parts #2 & #3 whilst thinking about all those who have lost their homes and loved ones. As we do this we are potentially helping release some of their trauma, as well as some of our own.
Grant Horsfall
Tags: bushfires wildfire "Australian bushfires" Victoria bushfire australia EFT "emotional freedom" "Victorian bushfires"
Workcover Review Hanks Report Release
The State Government finally released the Hanks report into Victoria’s
Accident Compensation system and the timing of its release on Grand Final
eve isn’t the only embarrassment for Labor as the report contains many
regressive recommendations that will make life harder for injured workers.
The report fails to adequately recommend fair and just compensation to
workers injured in Victoria and will make it harder for workers suffering
stress related injury to claim compensation.
The report recommends that the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service
be stripped of the power to issue directions to employers to pay compensation
to injured workers. This will effectively neuter the current dispute resolution
process and is reminiscent of the deleterious changes the Kennett government
made in 1992.
Other changes diminish workers rights to return to work and / or to have
appropriate representation through the disputes process and the return to
work process.
Victoria already provides the lowest percentage of pre-injury
earnings for 120 weeks of incapacity to workers according to the
9th Edition of the WorkPlace Relations Ministers Comparative
Monitoring Report.
Victoria also has the highest rejection rate of any other
Australian compensation system with 14.1% of all new claims
being rejected according to this comparator.
Victoria has the second lowest return to work rates of any
of the other States except South Australia according to the
Heads of Workers’ Compensation Authorities Return to Work
Victoria has the highest percentage of injured workers that are
either sacked or retrenched with 18% of injured workers surveyed
were either sacked or retrenched this report also states.
The Victorian system already fails to provide fair and just weekly payment,
an appropriate dispute resolution process with real powers, and does not
provide adequate return to work rights for injured workers. If the
Government adopts the Hanks’ recommendations the system in Victoria
will make life even harder for injured workers under Labor.
Click here to view/print a copy of the Hanks Report Recommendations;
Click here to view/print a copy of Trades Hall’s response;
September 29th, 2008.
So WCV's would like to know, going by the above figures, why is worksafe
claiming that they have Record levels of return to work sustainability in their
2008 Annual Report?.
Why is it that, Worksafe are claiming they cannot afford to include
all injured workers who missed out in the Bracks Changes, but they are
claiming a record performance from insurance operations in the high
Who is telling the truth here?
Well I have to agree once again Jo by saying.. The truth is always the truth.
If something feels wrong and doesn't make sense it usually is.
If there are contradictions .. one must use logic discernment and look for the facts buried underneath the profiteering.
Posted By Workcover Victims Victoria to Workcover Victims Victoria at 2/11/2009 08:37:00 PM
"Workcover Victoria, teambuilding with Corporate Commandos"
Conference for "Workcover Victoria, teambuilding with Corporate Commandos" at Flowerdale Retreat Estate.
Can someone please tell me whats wrong with this picture? Why is Worksafe Victoria training their staff with Commandos? Are Injured Workers the ememy? Does this mean that injured workers are at war with Worksafe Victoria once they have a workplace injury?
WTF ! (Jo)
Wow ! YES YES YES AND YES! I believe so! What other conclusion can we get from this one?
What do the readers have to say about this juicy bit of information? Thoughts???
I wonder if we asked the questions if we would actually get any answers this time? (PDM)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
SMH A Human Rights Act Susan Ryan
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Susan RyanJanuary 18, 2009
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A human rights act would be an important step towards a fair go forall Australians.
Many of us may know of an episode of cruel treatment of an old person in a nursing home, have felt for parents struggling to get their disabled child a school place or shared the agony of a family whose mentally ill son was jailed instead of being cared for in hospital.
These things happen - all too often. Yes, we have the common law as a bulwark for our rights, a free press and a democratic Parliament. But for people whose basic rights are violated in these ways, those protections simply do not kick in soon enough, if at all.
Australia kept children behind barbed wire in mandatory detention for years. Through our free press and tireless advocates, we found out most of those children became mentally and physically ill. Several tried to kill themselves. After years of media coverage and pressure on our Parliament, this barbaric treatment of children stopped, but not in time to prevent many of them suffering long-term damage.
If a human rights act - a charter of rights - had been in place, mandatory detention of children would have been publicly measured against these rights. The policy would have been found wanting much earlier, perhaps even before it was implemented.
If public servants and others hired by government to carry out its polices were trained to recognise and respect human rights laid out in Australian law, much of the poor treatment inflicted on the disabled, the old, and children would not occur.
It is no use telling a single mother who has been kicked out of public housing because of bureaucratic bungling that the common law is perfect.
Strange that the vociferous opponents of protecting rights by an act of Parliament are rich, powerful men: former NSW premier Bob Carr; former High Court judge Ian Callinan, QC; and successful barrister Peter Faris, QC. They are light years away from the mentally ill public housing tenant or the wheelchair-bound young man trying to get a job. So they argue against a human rights law, claiming concern about "unelected judges" invading the territory of our parliamentary legislators.
These arguments could only apply if a constitutional US-type bill was being proposed. But such a bill has been ruled out of the Government's human rights consultation and ruled out by more than 70 community organisations in a human rights network I have been working with.
We are discussing an ordinary act of Parliament that can only be changed by Parliament. If a court found a particular government policy violated Parliament's own human rights law, it would be up to Parliament to respond, to change the policy or keep it. But we would all know about it and our elected politicians would be under pressure to justify to voters why, for example, mandatory detention was to be maintained.
Those who oppose such a law must know this. Do they persist in arguing against something that is not going to happen because the status quo has served them so well?
They know as well as anyone that indigenous Australians suffer terrible disadvantage and often appalling living conditions. Do opponents of a human rights bill believe that the status quo gives Aborigines a fair deal in relation to the law, education and health?
The solutions for indigenous problems are complex, requiring many actions from government, business and the community. But might these opponents not consider, along with all interested Australians, that the blinding evidence of the denial of a fair go provides a good case for Parliament making a new law to protect those missing out? This law would be only one step but an important one towards dignity and security for all in Australia.
In true democratic spirit, the Rudd Government has set up a public consultation, with a panel of impressive Australians, to hear the views of all on how to protect human rights better in this country. I hope all Australians who know of human rights failures in any context will let the panel know what they think. This consultation must not be derailed by a few power-wielding men. It is a chance to move forward towards a fair go for all.
Susan Ryan, AO, is a former Labor senator and chair of the Human Rights Act for Australia Campaign.
By Invitation Only is a space for people of influence to have their say. Edited by Kerry-Anne Walsh. The Sun-Herald
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Workers injured in the course of employment on or after 20 October 1999 may have a right to sue for damages for those injuries.
To be entitled to sue for damages the injury or injuries must be "serious", as defined in the Accident Compensation Act 1985. You can view the Act online at
Before any court proceedings claiming damages can be commenced, the degree of impairment arising from the injuries must be assessed and the worker must make an application to the Authority seeking its determination as to whether or not the injury is "serious".
Further Information
Ministerial DirectionsMinisterial Directions setting out the process and requirements for an application to the Authority for a determination of serious injury came into operation on 20 December 2001
view the Ministerial Directions
FormsAs outlined in the Ministerial Directions, you will need to complete and submit a copy of Form A to the Authority for a determination of serious injury to be undertaken.
A copy of Form B (Statutory Offer) and Form C (Statutory Counter Offer) must be completed before a proceeding can commence in the court, following a determination that an injury is "serious".
download Form A
download Form B
download Form C
Legal CostsLegal costs payable to a worker's legal practitioner are set out in the WorkSafe Legal Costs Order 2001 which came into operation on 20 December 2001.
view the Legal Costs order
Our concerns nicely ingored... oh he is so mellow
Compassion is void... as he is okay
He hires QC's to write our rights away.
Tim Holding a servant... OH no he FORGOT
Oh WorkCover Victims... they matter NOT!
Dear Timmy sits up high on the HOCK
Rubbing his 6 carat ROCK
Sending Auto replies to the public letters....
Spending up BIG.. oh he thinks "thats better".
Incompetently awaiting his pay
What else does he do with his day?
"It only peripherally relates to the bullshit I spew"
OOOH Timmy OOOOHH YES Timmy...
Copyright 2009 all rights reserved (agent) PeopleDoMatter
Thursday, February 5, 2009
WorkSafe WorkCover HOW MANY.....
How many people must die ?
At the hands of the Government Lie
How many tears must we shed ?
Living in poverty pain and dread ?
How long can we sit by and suffer ?
So Government profits get higher....
Legislation gets tougher
How many people suicide ?
How many people really have died ?
From paychecks to poverty...
Unlimited pain
With WorkSafe you lose...
They GAIN!
All Rights Reserved copyright 2009 Agent-PeopleDoMatter
Slogan Suggestions
"Crapping on you to make a difference!"
Worksafe Victoria (for the School Play advertisment)
"FAMILY" Our Corporation doesn't give a S**T!"
Worksafe Victoria
"If you get injured....
Worksafe Victoria
"Working hard at giving you HELL!"
Jeff K
Wash your hands Jeffery
You're an A**hole Jeffery!
Wash your mouth Jeffery
It is your A**hole Jeffery!
Worksafe Victoria
Worksafe Victoria
"Creating doormats out of injured workers!"
Worksafe Victoria
"Creating crap to slog at you!"
Worksafe Victoria
"Working" HAHA! NOT!
Worksafe Victoria
"Screwing the injured indefinately!"
"If you think we are SAFE
WorkSafe Victoria
"Screwing you because we CAN!"
WorkSafe Victoria
"You want logic and safety.. don't come here!"
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Injured Workers Reality by WCV
Sad but true! Injured workers suffer, their families suffer, ripple effects, including depression, every kind of stress you can think of, poverty, injustice, discrimination,insanity in dealing with these amoral agents.While everyone else profits out of the system who is employed by the system to best screw the injured worker...INCLUDING the GOVERNMENT! It has to be STOPPED but we need REAL PEOPLE to stand with us and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Demand change!Give us our dignity and our rights back, we are human too! (PDM)