Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rights at Work Re: Senator Fielding we need the fairer IR laws NOW

(PDM) Rights at Work email please guys look into this and make up your own minds.

Dear Your Rights at Work supporters,

It really is crunch time now!

We need your help to send a message to Senator Fielding that Australians want the Parliament to pass the new, fairer IR laws without delay.

Family First Senator Steve Fielding is holding up the new, fairer IR laws that are set to replace WorkChoices.

Instead of supporting the changes, Senator Fielding is proposing amendments that would mean fewer rights for more than three million workers.

They would mean more than a third of the workforce (36%) would have:

Less protection from being unfairly sacked.
No right to union support in the workplace.
No help from the independent umpire to get better wages.
Senator Fielding’s amendments would also mean that low paid workers would be unable to make use of collective bargaining to be lifted above the minimum wage.

Workers in small business are more vulnerable to exploitation and rip-offs than employees in big businesses and need the protection that unions can provide in the workplace.

Senator Fielding has been a vocal critic of WorkChoices and was one of the first to warn about the damage it would wreak on working families.

But the changes he is proposing would in many ways be worse than WorkChoices.

What can you do?

Senator Fielding needs to be reminded that Australians voted to restore their rights at work at the last election, and don’t want to see greater fairness in workplaces hijacked at the eleventh hour.

Send the Senator the message – Pass the new, fairer IR laws without delay!

Need more information?

Visit the Rights at Work campaign site -