Hello everyone,
I am hoping to offer a chance for those of you who have had bad experiences with Workcover to voice your stories, complaints and issues.
I am thankfully NOT affiliated with Workcover in ANY WAY.
This is not a government website or blog. I am a real Australian who has simply heard, seen and experienced enough to know that someone needs to try and allow the opportunity for the real public who are NOT happy with the whole workcover system in Australia to voice their stories.
Acting as a go between if you like... without any expectation of profit.. as hard as that may seem for those of you already beaten down by the whole experience of Workcover.
I have come up with this idea simply to allow everyone who is sick of the whole Workcover "System" and its seemingly unworkable and unfair abolishion of your injured lives, to be heard.
I am hoping to hear and see all of your stories and present them to the State Member of Parliament in HUGE piles of emails... that hopefully will not go unheard! Just for STARTERS!
I just hope... although this experience would have been or is right now, extremely hard for you.. that you still have enough strength to stand up and have your say.
I for one have had ENOUGH! While the Victorian Agent for Workcover PROFITS for their shareholders. IME's Profit from their often questionable reports. Private Investigators PROFIT.
Government PROFITS... Solicitors PROFIT... everyone else PROFITS... but NOT those who ARE HURTING!!
Who ever thought IN this country... you could be doing the right thing.. working away... and hurt yourself and be in this extremely illogical unfair unjust situation.
Losing battle!?
Its enough to be in pain... injured hurting to do all the simplest tasks that were a breeze before.
The first experience of your claim... will be a lovely cut of your income.. forget about superanuation.
You think sheesh this is aweful! How can this be right.. but as time goes on you learn... that isnt even the tip of the iceberg.
Whoever thought... Oh YES.. lets profit from another AUSTRALIAN WORKERS SUFFERING!
Lets write up a whole lot of stuff on paper that looks respectful and totally do the opposite and profit from it!
Lets make the whole legislation so crazy to read that no-one can understand it.
Lets even make it extremely UNFAIR!
Who thought... that it was OKAY to profit out of someone elses pain?!
Does that seem right to you??
What happened to CIVIL rights, HUMAN RIGHTS, JUSTICE, the right to income, the right to live respected, protected, privacy, safety, innocent until proven guilty?
Why don't the media want to do MORE stories on the REALITY of WORKCOVER?
Why is it always more about the scammers?
Do ALL Australians even know about how bad the legislation is? Educated public? The TRUTH?
Chances are.... the only people who really know are unfortunate enough to have experienced this "system" for themselves.
By then... its TOO LATE.
So please... speak out... tell the truth... say NO! I am not going to stand for this anymore!
State what is wrong... why its wrong... speak about your suffering... let them know.. you are people not numbers! They don't deserve to profit! Give yourself the chance to ask for a FAIR GO!
Lets demand a FAIR GO!
Only genuine people may reply to this post in relevence to its content. Email will be provided to those who send their email first for these purposes only. This is not a debate. It is a reality.