Thanks PDM the issue I have at the moment is that I have been through the process up to the stage that my claim for loss of earnings and pain and suffering has been rejected as in the opinion of the " totally unbiased assessment" of the medical panel after a one hour consultation that my injury is only 4%.
It has been reported that the : "totally unbiased assessment" of the medical panel is usually unscrupulously LOW in PERCENTAGE, regardless of the actual impact on the injured workers ability to function or work in every day reality and physical injuries, or whole person impairment.It has also been said on numerous occasions they are paid an extravagant amount to make these kinds of assessments.
I am unsure what your actual injuries are but if you feel to, you might like to let others know what suffering you experience on a day to day basis... how difficult every day tasks are etc.
My GP and osteopaths opinion varies greatly but apparently the medical people that see me on a regular basis and have only my health as a concern, opinions don't count.
The question I have to ask here is... are they qualified to establish injury level? If not then why does workcover pay them to treat you for any period of time, and why are they requested to write reports, endless reports, when compared with workcover "outsourced medical professionals" are paid pittance for their time/reports in comparison?
If they cannot have medical factually based opinions?
Our readers will start to see the insanity behind the real logic here.
I have been in touch with my solicitor and have an appointment to discuss my claim but he has pretty much said that if his firm decide they do not wish to cover future costs that will be the end of my claim.
Isn't it sad that it all comes down to the cost effectiveness of a Legal Firm who are not going through their clients pain and suffering to whether an Injured Worker gets their chance in Court.
Everyone is apparently entitled to their day in court.
I would like to see this happen more often.
Despite hours of searching for information I cannot find anywhere that explains clearly what, if any, options I have a this point.
I agree its like trying to find a needle in a thousand haystacks!
This is why we all need to educate the general public into the madness we face, when we or our loved ones are injured at work. Then never give up in finding a way to put a stop to it once and for all, for the benefit of the actual injured workers.
My solicitor has been very good considering this is a no win no pay claim but once again my whole life and future is in someone Else's hands.
Yes agreed and how is that fair?
Like every other process I have been through the decision will not have anything to do with me-how much I have and will suffer but will be totally based on the monetary consideration of the person making the decision.
Yes and no doubt more and more rights will be written away in legislation's to come in the future if someone is lucky enough to get what they actually deserve in compensation.
In the true fashion of today's society I am fully disposable and recyclable. There will be many more injured workers to take my place making great incomes for medical "experts", "independent" medical panel members, insurance companies,lawyers and workers taking the same job I had with my former employers and possibly suffering the same injury.The cycle continues !!!
Unfortunately this is how it seems to be going for most. We are all human beings and every one of us counts and matters. Where are our human rights? Why is it okay to suffer and fight against a never ending battle with a total disadvantage in every way.
YES every one of them PROFIT out of our suffering! In a system "designed for the benefit of Injured Workers".
Meanwhile despite my contribution as a worker for almost 40 years has no value whatsoever and my old age will be spent in poverty,pain and fear. (Yvonne)
This is what is happening and this is WRONG! I for one thank you for your contribution and wish you all your rights including appropriate compensation for ALL suffering in your life incurred as a result of being INJURED AT WORK, and MISTREATED by this SYSTEM.
You should not be left to feel this way. You should not be at a loose end. This system is not fair.
But hold your head high knowing that you did nothing wrong. You did work... you did contribute and you do deserve so much better than this!
Another comment I would like to make. Is everyone aware that although the Bracks Government restored workers rights after the Kennett debacle, the American assessment guide used for measuring workers percentage of injury was bought back into use EXCEPT the last part of the assessment formula which relates to the workers amount of pain. Why ??? possibly because a majority of workers can't go back to work not because of the actual injury but because of the pain and drug dependence they have managing the original injury. Just my opinion possibly because of my own situation. (Yvonne)
As you have noticed.... the very things that needed to be in place have been taken out of the equation... and there is no mistaking that. There is nothing good about leaving that out.
You are 100% right in how you feel in my opinion and I am sure the opinion of all the Injured Workers that are facing these very issues in their logical minds right now.
You most certainly are NOT in the minority here and the only difference between you me and the gate post is that we are speaking out. Not sitting idly by with our hands folded. Or laying down as doormats.
( Purple text are replies to Yvonne by PeopleDoMatter)
New Comment by Jo
Well done PDM you hit the nail right on the head with this post!!! (Jo)
New Comment by Yvonne
Posted by Yvonne to VWA Your loss is their GAIN COMPLAIN! at January 11, 2009 2:11 AM
Thank you so much PDM this is the first time some-one has actually listened to ME and responded to My concerns it has made me feel like I worthy of being heard.I will when I feel up to it share my story. Thank you so much. Yvonne
Dear Yvonne,
You are most welcome! Thank you for all your wonderful years of hard work and contributions to this country. Its very disheartening that for being so deserving you are treated so badly and unjustly. I am very distressed about how you have been treated and that's why I am here.
Dealing with it and actually experiencing this insanity is such an eye opening and shocking experience, it really changes your reality on top of everything else.
Why? Because greedy bureaucrats sign our rights away, then brainwash us into thinking they are really looking after us and we are the lucky country. I expect fairness and justice for all and something that really works for the injured.
As for those very Bureaucrats "looking after our interests" in such a disgraceful way.
I have to ask... why then is everyone else paid better and put above genuine people who are injured? Why is it okay to spend on surveillance, queens council including Mr Hanks, IME's, outsourced agencies who have proven to be useless, the list goes on and on.
Why do our treating doctors, therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors, counsellors, psychiatrists, psychologists, get so little in comparison to the workcover based "health providers"? Even when compared to the amount they would earn in the time taken to fill in your demanding reports?
Why don't the bureaucrat's take a pay cut? Why is it okay to reduce Injured Workers entitlements and rights? Why pay so much for advertising?
For all our readers out there. I hope you care enough to offer some support to Yvonne. As you have read, she lives with pain and suffering and no one has even bothered to listen to her up until now.
Why should Yvonne have to fight for her rights and be treated this way along with everyone else, who has been injured at work?
EDUCATE yourselves on what really is going on right now for your fellow human beings.
Yvonne, don't let them win. Do not believe you are recycleable. You are worthy and you do matter.
Never give up.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
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