Saturday, October 4, 2008


"If people are screaming out they are not happy; then why does it fall on deaf ears."
By PeopleDoMatter

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903)

It is MY WILL, that I as an Australian more than peripherally relate to my concerns of anything raised to ANY public official!

It is MY WILL that I do matter and I do have a say!

It is MY WILL that I am more than a speck of dust tossed aside and sent mediocre replies from the parliamentarians that work for me, as a member of the Australian public!

It is MY WILL that we as Australians command respect, support, safety, the freedom of choice without beuracratic "blackmail", that we know what issues we are facing because of our OWN LIFE EXPERIENCES. That we command honesty, integrity and respect from all who Govern us.

It is MY WILL that these who Govern us do so in conjunction with our wishes, needs, financial issues, beurocratic flaws in mind and 100% integrity.

It is MY WILL that if there is "not enough money available" to establish those rights, that those who Govern us take a pay cut. Also.. reduce spending in elaborate ways, that are unecessary for the good of all Australians.

It is MY WILL that if any Governmental individual lies to the Australian public in order to obtain legislation that takes away our freedoms and rights as human beings, that they face charges and that legislation is deemed null and void.

It is MY WILL that injured workers are NOT treated in such an unethical way as they are in daily reality, and that the legislation be changed fairly with those injured workers input!

It is MY WILL that injured workers are treated with total RESPECT!

It is MY WILL that all documentation put to parliament is written for the layman so that it is represented transparently, and ANY persons that the recomendations effects, must be given the right to vote on the asaid legislation and its changes in all transparency, thus having the right to prevent that legislation from being accepted, above all others!

It is MY WILL that we are all made equal before the law, and injured workers are not put at a disadvantage via legislation taking away their right to a just fair result that would be reasonable for the public to expect, facing the same circumstances.

It is MY WILL that within those rights INCLUDE the RIGHT TO BELIEF OF INNOCENCE.
That the government is banned from expenditure on television advertising, queens council access and anything else putting an injured worker to an unfair disadvantage, or taking their rights to PRIVACY in ANY FORM.Or any other form of "blackmail" to complete tasks designed to further upset the individual by being forced to believe they are meaningless and worthless.

These are SOME of my WILL's... lets see yours!

Thank you,

Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. Trevelyan (1876 - 1962)

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