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Monday, July 21, 2008

Solicitors Required
We are searching for solicitors who are interested in representing "WorkcoverVictims" clients and have a genuine interest in legislations changes.Please email for more information.
Posted by Jo at 11:33 PM 0 comments Links to this post
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Victims Free to Sue Decades Later
This hearing is a break through for injured workers of the Kennett era and beyond. Now that this case law is available, all injured workers who have found themselves out of time for their claim can now go ahead and sue for their injuries.
Make an appointment with your legal representative asap.

VICTIMS of workplace accidents could now sue for damages decades after the event, following a landmark High Court decision that will force former ATSIC chairman Geoff Clark to defend claims he led the 1971 pack-rape of a 16-year-old girl.
The judgment, which was opposed by Justices Michael Kirby and William Gummow, specifically applies to Victorian law, but will have ramifications around the nation.

It means that more people who have suffered personal injuries will be able to explore their rights beyond the statute of limitations. That will be the case particularly in circumstances where there is delayed onset of injury or where they do not have access to information or knowledge about the cause of their injury.

Cases that could now proceed include medical negligence actions in which, for example, a surgical object is left inside a patient but the effects are not known for many years; and cases involving exposure to occupational hazards, such as cancer-causing chemicals, where an illness takes years to emerge, also where psychiatric injury has taken years to manifest.

Even those cases in which a claimant knows they have an injury, but does not become aware for years later than the injury was caused by someone else's negligence, would be affected by yesterday's judgment.
Source: Natasha Robinson, The Australian. 21.07.06
Posted by Jo at 11:26 PM 0 comments Links to this post
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Inspirational Quote - Quoted by Abraham Lincon
Nearly, all men can stand adversity,
but if you want to test a man's character,
give him power.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Psychological Injuries - The Hidden Pain of Trauma.
Injuries of this type can occur at any time, and in any situation.
Whether it's a teller in a bank hold-up or as witness to a major traffic accident, maybe an employee subjected to continual harassment and/or victimisation in the workplace,or someone else's experience of another human disaster, the result is almost always the same, some form of personal trauma for the innocent people involved.

Quite often, these hidden injuries, such as Depression, Anxiety and/or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), may just remain that way (hidden), for avery long period of time before they are detected, diagnosed or even remotely visible to others.

For people who experience these severely debilitating conditions, constant feelings of isolation, segregation and desperation can fill almost every minute of their day. It is therefore extremely vital, that anyone who has experienced or is experiencing any of the above situations or similar, should seek both legal and medical advices for their own circumstances, as soon as possible.

Psychological injuries, in a lot of cases, are regarded as potentially more serious than many physical injuries, due to their severity and permanence, and particularly so if the correct specialist treatment is not administered.
People involved in car accidents often suffer some form of emotional injury also.
Some statistics indicating that up to 30 per cent develop a mild form of trauma, with a definite proportion also contracting PTSD.
But the law can go a long way to easing the effects of such resultant injury.
People affected by a traumatic event are often entitled to compensation, where negligence on the part of another party associated with the trauma can be proven. This is where the expertise and contact with a Personal Injury Lawyer is imperative.
They can provide understanding, support, advice and if necessary, representation in the process of your claim. But please remember, " TIME WAITS FOR NO-ONE ", and although certainly an old cliche, it is a most significant factor in this specialist area of Law.

Contrary to many beliefs, HELP IS OUT THERE, and you DO NOT have to suffer this in Silence. Courtesy: Personal Injury Lawyers.
Posted by Jo at 8:24 PM 0 comments Links to this post
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